Δημοσιεύτηκε: 22 Οκτ 2013, 18:13
από lucinos
Learner έγραψε:Πόσες φορές έχεις δει τον Linus με τον Richard μαζί ; :P

RMS: The last time I went to an event named after "Linux", and the last time I remember seeing Torvalds, was when the Free Software Foundation was given the "Linux Torvalds Award". I accepted this award by saying this was like giving the Han Solo Award to the rebel fleet. πηγή
Η σκηνή υπάρχει και στο ντοκυμαντέρ RevolutionOS

προσθέτει και κάτι που είχα σκεφτεί όταν έβλεπα το ντοκυμαντέρ: The analogy goes pretty far. While Torvalds did contribute a crucial part to the system, and thus enabled our campaign to succeed as a whole, he didn't do this to fight for freedom; he did it for personal reasons of his own. If not for us, there would have been nothing for him to contribute to.